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Microneedling creates millions of controlled microchannels in the skin that initiate the healing process. When the skin is healing itself collagen and elastin production encourages the release of growth factors that recruit and increase reparative cells. The result is a cascade of healing processes that can continue for months following your treatment.

Results of microneedling

  • SkinPen rejuvenates skin from the inside out for younger-looking skin

  • Results are natural, safe, and effective for all skin tones and types

  • Initiate new collagen production without heat or chemicals

  • Fewer wrinkles

  • Quick-and-easy, with minimal downtime

What to expect from microneedling

SkinPen is a simple, comfortable, and effective treatment for skin rejuvenation. Most people see results in as few as three

30-minute sessions.

Your provider will gently cleanse your skin. Topical anesthesia will be administered to assure maximum comfort during the treatment.

The SkinPen treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes.

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